Here you are getting the information about the various ways to use missed call service. Read to know more about how you can use this service for your business purpose.
Missed call service is an automated service to interact with your customers. When any of your customers give a missed call on the company’s number, the company gives a response to his queries by calling him back. The missed call service is very significant because it helps the business companies to give a reply to their clients in an efficacious manner.
How Missed Call Service Can Be Useful for Your Business:–
- When we receive a missed call, the mobile network operator immediately informs us, through auto-reply SMS, who the caller was. Similarly, Business companies are using similar kinds of service called missed call service to help their customers by sending them auto reply through SMS or by calling them back to reach out to their queries.
- Suppose you run a movie theatre. You can provide the facility to your customers by missed call service. The customers can give a missed call in your authorized number. Upon receiving the missed call you can confirm movie tickets for him through an auto-reply SMS or by calling him back.
- Now, to create a missed call service campaign you need to have a toll free number. After the network provider gives you the virtual number, you can use it in your marketing campaigns like ‘ Give a missed call, Take your Ticket’. You can publish it in the newspaper, on social media, on your business website or some smart campaign Google Ads.
Ways to Use Missed Call Service:-
- You can use missed call service for User Registration.
- Call Back Service
- Voting and Feedback
- Verification
- Alert Subscription
You can reach out to potential customers as the conversion rate of the missed call service is very high compared to other promotional marketing services. People do not like to go through the lengthy registration process. They want to do it in a minute. So, to attract your customers missed call service is an essential tool.
If there is an event or any TV show, the authority can use missed call service for public voting. For example, if you like a candidate in a singing competition and want him or her to be the winner you can give a missed call to the given number and your vote will go in favor of the candidate, thus helping him or her winning the contest.
Web2SMS can help you with the creation of missed call service for your business properly.