What are the features of Whats App Marketing?

Whatsapp Marketing In India


There are different versions of Whats App that are available today and the different versions of this App are compatible for different devices like iPhone’s, android phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and some of the other old mobile phone models too. Now, Whats App also has launched its desktop and web versions for the Windows, and Mac PCs. But for connecting the App to your web as well, you will have to install the App in your phone first. The reason is that every Whats App account is linked to only one phone number. In order to use WhatsApp Marketing India for your business, download the App and fill in your details and register with your business phone number. Set up the profile by including a profile picture that can be a picture related to your brand or business. There are mainly three ways by which you can share your brand or business contents, products and service offers, etc.

Here are the features that can be used to market your business or brand via Whats App.

  1. Personal chat: – You can directly interact with any of the users or customers via this App. Only thing is you should have the contact numbers of them.

  2. Broadcast lists: – A broadcast list can be created with maximum two hundred and fifty-six contacts and then the single message can be sent to all of them at once in one go. The recipient will receive the message in her or his Whats App number in her or his Whats App account.

  3. Groups: – You can also create one or more groups with two hundred and fifty-six people at once. Once the group is created, you can share videos, photos, messages, and a lot more in the Group. All the group members can take part in the chat or conversation and can give responses to be in the full-fledged discussion.

  4. Text messages: – Enjoy the chance to explain the services and products of your brand through text messages. You can use up to four thousand words in one message.

  5. Videos: – Video messaging is an excellent choice to promote a brand or business. You will have to choose the clipping and then share it with the audiences who are there in your Whats App contact list.

  6. Image: – Sending an image is far better than sending thousands of words. A text can be ignored but an attractive image cannot be.

  7. Audio: – Pre-recorded messages can also be sent in Whats App. Let your business talk everything about it.

  8. Location: – You can also share GPS locations to your clients who are there in your Whats App contact list. A clickable link can also be inserted in the GPS location tag before sending.

So, these were the features of Whats App marketing that can be used to reach out to the mass in a trendy way. If you are not so confident and want a professional to handle it for your business then get in touch with a trusted service provider of WhatsApp and Bulk SMS in India.